A step-by-step guide to starting a campaign from scratch in Ad360 App for Shopify
Once you’re into the App, go to either the Dashboard tab or the Campaigns tab. You can create a campaign from either page.
1. Click on the “Create Campaign” button.
Click the Create Campaign button. This is your first step to learning how to create a campaign in the Ad360App for Shopify. On this page you will find existing campaigns that you may have created before, if any.
Next, On the right-hand side, there is a “Create Campaign” button. Click the button to open a simple form that you need to fill in with some of your campaigns information.
2. Enter your campaign name and budget
You need to enter a Campaign name, the Budget you want to spend with the campaign – which is the maximum amount of money you want the campaign to spend, between the start date and the end date.
Information tip: The max bid is an amount that limits the price you pay for ads in certain channels.
3. Select your campaign goal
Select your Campaign Goal. This is the primary goal of your campaign:
4. Set your Exploration Goal
Lastly, set the Exploration Level. This determines how much of your budget is redeployed by the algorithms and gathers data.
5. Save Campaign
When you are happy with the exploration level, click “Save Campaign” to create your campaign.